Pay Per Click (PPC) Management | Google PPC | Facebook PPC
PPC (Pay-Per-Click) is a phrase that almost every business owner is afraid of. But Local Business Owners need it now more than ever. With the ability to gain customers in so many locations on the SERP’s (Search Engine Results Pages), a company’s PPC Management is paramount to a successful Internet Marketing campaign.
To start a high quality, lead capturing PPC campaign requires a few things:
- Good Keyword Research. Do you know the keywords that you really want targeted?
- Analyzing the best time of day that people are searching for what you are offering.
- Getting the best bang for your buck, or the lowest cost-per-click that will drive the maximum amount of customers to your website or phone number.
- Implementation, and constant tweaking. Let’s face it, the PPC campaign that worked for you last week might not be the same this week.
What’s your experience been like with PPC Advertising? Have you tried starting a campaign yourself and haven’t had any traction, or acheived the results that you hoped for?
We would love to help you with your PPC Advertising campaign. We will guide you through the process from start to finish, and perform the right analysis needed to generate results for your Local Business.
Give Schure Consulting a call at 970-305-5940 today for a free no hassle Pay-Per-Click consultation.